The Force May Not Be With You (Centrifugal Force)
This post explains the misconception around centrifugal force.

The Fascinating Spin History of the T-37 Tweet.
If you haven't guessed by now, I am fascinated with spins. So much that I actually have had the honor of providing a few lectures on them...

Answering Your Questions! “What Are Pilot Induced Oscillations”
I recently received this question in my inbox from a website subscriber; “Hi TheCFIGuy, My instructor keeps mentioning pilot induced...

The Reason NASA Put Rockets On a GA Aircraft.
NASA is not only known for sending man and machine into outer space, but they are also known for providing solutions that make aviation...

Instructing in This Plane? You Need to Know About This Reg Before Doing So.
I have heard my fair share of newly-certificated Flight Instructor horror stories, and some of the more surprising ones come from...

The One Aerodynamics Subject That Drives Me Nuts; The No-Flap Landing
It was something that was beaten into me from the beginning of my training; understanding chord-line, and how it changes with the...

Critical Density Altitude, What Is It and What It Means to You
First off, welcome to the new and improved website! For me, it is a real relief to show you all the updates that have been made. After...

No, This Was Not a Prop Strike. The Benefits of These Props Are Huge!
The old story is that an FAA inspector walked up to the pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza and asked him how he struck the smoothly curved...

Keeping Cool; Minimizing Instructor Frustrations
The Aviation Instructors Handbook provides us with several tips to ensure that our student's frustrations are kept to a minimum during...

Bedford, MA – Domenic LaFauci has been recognized for his high standard of flight instruction by The Aircraft Owners and Pilots...